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The role of a software tester during customer calls can vary depending on the company structure, project specifics, and the nature of the customer call. Here are some common scenarios...

The software development landscape undergoes constant metamorphosis, demanding continuous adaptation from software houses. To flourish shortly, these companies must strategically focus on areas demonstrating high-growth potential and aligning with their...

How software developers can cope with these challenges? Artificial Intelligence Advancements: AI will continue to evolve, especially in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and decision-making algorithms. This will...

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses various immersive technologies, including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). These technologies merge the physical and digital...

Here are 5 types of personalities you might encounter in a software house, keeping in mind that these are generalizations and individuals can exhibit traits from multiple categories: The Rock:...

Snack chats, also known as coffee chats or casual chats, offer several benefits for companies: Improved Communication and Collaboration: Informal interactions outside of scheduled meetings can foster better communication and...

One of the benefits all sales men have right now is time. We have 12 long months ahead of us and we can achieve so much in these 12 months...

Buyers today are very well aware of stereotypical ways salesmen contact organizations. There is an overdose of things like “15 minutes’ in the subject line, or “outreach” that is just...

Facebook is an identity for everyone today. It gives every individual entity a small corner to create its own aura. Companies use Facebook pages to publish news about the company,...


The 5 types of personalities in a software house

Here are 5 types of personalities you might encounter in a software house, keeping in mind that these are generalizations and individuals can exhibit traits from multiple categories: The Rock: The Reliable Developer Traits:These developers are dependable, meticulous, and possess strong problem-solving skills. They excel at taking on complex tasks,

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