How does AI challenge the software quality as a technology?

People tend to influence themselves in the search for “new”, AI is new. Although in technology culture and pop culture the concept and somewhat the resonance of the experimented realities, something was bound to happen, but since the introduction of more publicly acceptable and soothing to human senses applications have been introduced, we can safely say, it’s just a start, and a lot will happen in the coming days (to be honest I wrote “years” then remove it, as the change is happening way to fast for the humans)

Anyways, since it’s a technology, and I belong to a technology business, then it becomes imminent that me and my business should also benefit from this change. Already we can witness the changes happening around us, but the world is still learning and like a CD (compact disc) was a thing till digital copy became the next thing, and then streaming took over, we shall see AI becoming a thing as well.

As a tech professional, I need to take advantage of this change rather than criticize its use, and then someone else will take a first-move advantage. Since (till now at least) AI is considered as a set of software programs working in conjunction to avail resources, learn the user responses, and their behavior, and then interact with the user with a touch of the “Turing principle’.

Also, asked the same question to ChatGPT:

What are the biggest challenges for AI about human interaction on a mass scale?

And it responded:

“One significant challenge for AI in mass human interaction is ensuring personalized experiences without compromising privacy. Balancing customization with data protection is crucial. Another hurdle is establishing trust; people must feel confident that AI systems act ethically and transparently. Additionally, AI needs to navigate cultural nuances to avoid misunderstandings or offensive interactions, especially in diverse communities. Finally, there’s the ongoing issue of AI bias, where systems may unintentionally reinforce discriminatory patterns, requiring continuous”


AI models trained on biased data can perpetuate those biases in the software they influence. This can lead to discriminatory or unfair behavior in the software.


Many AI models, especially complex ones, are often opaque in their decision-making process. This makes it difficult to understand why the AI behaves in a certain way, hindering debugging and quality assurance efforts.

Data Dependence:

The quality of an AI model is highly dependent on the quality of the data it’s trained on. Poor quality data, like missing values or inconsistencies, can lead to inaccurate or unreliable outputs impacting overall software functionality.

Security Vulnerabilities:

AI systems can introduce new security vulnerabilities if not properly secured. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to manipulate the AI’s behavior or gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Unexpected Behavior:

AI systems can exhibit unexpected behavior in unforeseen situations. This can be difficult to predict and test for, potentially leading to software failures.


Enhanced Testing:

AI can be used to automate repetitive testing tasks, freeing up human testers to focus on more complex scenarios.

Predictive Analysis:

AI can analyze historical data to predict potential software defects before they occur, promoting proactive quality assurance.

Improved Fault Detection:

AI-powered tools can analyze software code and identify potential bugs with higher accuracy than traditional static code analysis methods.

Personalized Quality Assurance:

AI can personalize the testing process based on user behavior and identify user-specific issues that might slip through traditional testing methods.

Overall, AI can be a powerful tool for improving software quality, but it’s crucial to be aware of the challenges it presents. By carefully considering these factors, developers and QA teams can leverage AI to build more robust, reliable, and secure software applications.